Monday, December 27, 2010

Getting ready for a NEW YEAR!!!

I am very excited about the holidays. I have maintained my weight which I think is a first in several years!!! I haven't been exercising but I have been eating better. Still trying to get off the damn cokes though. I only have one or two a day so I am not too worried but I would love to be free of this addiction before the beginning of the new year. I did really good over Christmas. I ate what I wanted but stopped before I was full. I am so proud! It is hard being home all day with 4 kids who only want to eat and snack all day!!! I am trying to get them on the right track and we only eat at these certain times...up in the morning by 8 and eat breakfast by 830. lunch is at 12 and a snack before dinner at 3 and then dinner at 5 or 6 then maybe a snack before bedtime! MAYBE!!!
It is keeping me on track too! So that is good! Well for sure I will be getting back to exercise once the kids go back to school and it starts to warm up! I have been thinking I am ready to start running again. I really miss it. Its weird. but I do. Oh well.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I am looking forward to the New Year!
May God bless us all with much happiness and love and good health!

Lots of Love...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Geting Back on track!

Thank You Lisa for asking about my next post! If I know someone is reading this...I guess I have to keep posting! Being accountable!!

So this weekend I got off track! I didn't over eat but I had nothing but Coke all weekend. And I didn't exercise except to walk the mall! Saturday I really remember what we did during the day. Just cleaned a little, did the usual laundry. We had Church's chicken for dinner and then...Damn it Dad...had Jack in the box for our late night snack. I had a breakfast Jack and Large curly fires with ...YES...a large coke. The on Sunday, for breakfast my wonderful husband got us some Barbacoa! I made eggs, beans, flour and corn tortillas and had two tacos. Then we got dressed to go to the mall. As soon as we got there we stopped for a snack! I ate chili cheese fries and a Large coke! Wow, that was so not good! Then had another coke as we walked around. Ate ate Plucker's for dinner! I did have a water there! Yeah me! 

Today I did start the day off with a coke but didn't finish it. I ate a wonderfully satisfying salad and 2 bottles of water. I am about to have a ZippFizz. It's an energy thingy Chelsea gave me. You add it to your water. It is really good and it helps boost your energy level. I am definitely going to go to Sam's and buy a case! I did some exercises earlier and wow that worked out my back and sides. I am going to be sore! I can already feel it. But the good thing about that is that I have to sit and stand up straight so I don't feel as sore. Its a good way to keep your posture in check. Chelsea gave me some too tips this weekend about things I can do to encourage my weight loss. She said we should be drinking half our body weight in water a day. So if I am 200 pounds...that's 100 Oz's I should be drinking. I thought that was way too much. But after looking at one of the bottle of water I usually get from Walmart, I can see that it is only two 1 liter bottles I need to drink. I can do that but I know that I am going to be water-logged!!! Pepper's going to be able to hear the ocean in my tummy! lol

I don't know, I guess I am not seeing as much progress as I would like to. I find myself watching those infomercials thinking I have to do this. I know I can. I just have to get my behind up off the couch and do it! I have several DVDs and TV programs I can do at home! I even have a gym membership that I don't use. That sucks! It has gotten to cold go walking either in the morning or at night. I keep telling myself to start the P90X program. I have the DVDs to do it. I have the equipment to do it. I just can not get myself up to do it. I don't want to be one of those moms my kids are embarrassed to introduce their friends to. I don't want to be the mom who sits on the sideline of the boys games and can't really cheer them on because my asthma! I don't want to grow older and have heart problems or diabetes of whatever else goes along with obesity. I already had to put all my heels away because they hurt my feet. I am now in a 2x in clothes. I wear baggy clothes because I won't wear anything that is snug fitting! Nothing that shows my rolls. I don't like taking pictures because my double chins or the awful bags under my eyes!! I have to deal with it now before it gets too late. Before it gets to that point were I have to have surgery to help me lose weight in order to save my life.

I found this prayer on a website I stumbled across.

Father God, I come to you in the precious name of Jesus that you will perform a miraculous healing in my life concerning my desire to lose weight. Thank you Lord that nothing is impossible with you and that you can help take away my desire to overeat and fill the voids within me that cause me to seek food as a substitute Lord, touch my mind right now, help me to see what causes me to overeat, give me a strong desire to want to take care of my body and see it as you do Lord. Help me to make the right food choices and touch my mind with creativity concerning food and what I eat. May I be restored to divine health again. As I strive to do this Lord, please bless all within me - my cells, and my metabolism - that they will function properly so I can lose the weight. And let me take it one day at a time and not worry about anything else but the cares of the day that I woke up to. Lord Jesus, I also ask that you help my friends and family who are also dealing with weight loss struggles. Give them the strength and encouragement they need to over come the weight. Thank you Father for loving me enough to help me through this.
Well that's all for today! Lots of love!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Getting better a this!

I am feeling pretty good! I am down 2 more lbs!! Woohoo!!

I know I haven't written anything a about a week but I didn't have a working computer!
But I am back and proud to say I have been sticking to it!
I am actually eating smaller portions which is shocking to me.
I am listening to my body. I stop eating once I am full, I am staying active even while I am home all day.
So when I do the laundry I squat, when I mop and sweep I do lunges. I am sore which mean I am still working my muscles. Well I hope everyone who is following this is sticking to it. It is hard. Very hard but I am really proud of myself for sticking with this. I am still on the soda but I am slowly working myself off. I have one a day. So I choose which one is most needed. If I wake up late or groggy I'll have mine in the morning. But most of the time I have it at night with dinner and then drink a "big gulp" of water!

Well this is all for tonight.

Lots of Love to you all!!!