Monday, December 27, 2010

Getting ready for a NEW YEAR!!!

I am very excited about the holidays. I have maintained my weight which I think is a first in several years!!! I haven't been exercising but I have been eating better. Still trying to get off the damn cokes though. I only have one or two a day so I am not too worried but I would love to be free of this addiction before the beginning of the new year. I did really good over Christmas. I ate what I wanted but stopped before I was full. I am so proud! It is hard being home all day with 4 kids who only want to eat and snack all day!!! I am trying to get them on the right track and we only eat at these certain times...up in the morning by 8 and eat breakfast by 830. lunch is at 12 and a snack before dinner at 3 and then dinner at 5 or 6 then maybe a snack before bedtime! MAYBE!!!
It is keeping me on track too! So that is good! Well for sure I will be getting back to exercise once the kids go back to school and it starts to warm up! I have been thinking I am ready to start running again. I really miss it. Its weird. but I do. Oh well.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I am looking forward to the New Year!
May God bless us all with much happiness and love and good health!

Lots of Love...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Geting Back on track!

Thank You Lisa for asking about my next post! If I know someone is reading this...I guess I have to keep posting! Being accountable!!

So this weekend I got off track! I didn't over eat but I had nothing but Coke all weekend. And I didn't exercise except to walk the mall! Saturday I really remember what we did during the day. Just cleaned a little, did the usual laundry. We had Church's chicken for dinner and then...Damn it Dad...had Jack in the box for our late night snack. I had a breakfast Jack and Large curly fires with ...YES...a large coke. The on Sunday, for breakfast my wonderful husband got us some Barbacoa! I made eggs, beans, flour and corn tortillas and had two tacos. Then we got dressed to go to the mall. As soon as we got there we stopped for a snack! I ate chili cheese fries and a Large coke! Wow, that was so not good! Then had another coke as we walked around. Ate ate Plucker's for dinner! I did have a water there! Yeah me! 

Today I did start the day off with a coke but didn't finish it. I ate a wonderfully satisfying salad and 2 bottles of water. I am about to have a ZippFizz. It's an energy thingy Chelsea gave me. You add it to your water. It is really good and it helps boost your energy level. I am definitely going to go to Sam's and buy a case! I did some exercises earlier and wow that worked out my back and sides. I am going to be sore! I can already feel it. But the good thing about that is that I have to sit and stand up straight so I don't feel as sore. Its a good way to keep your posture in check. Chelsea gave me some too tips this weekend about things I can do to encourage my weight loss. She said we should be drinking half our body weight in water a day. So if I am 200 pounds...that's 100 Oz's I should be drinking. I thought that was way too much. But after looking at one of the bottle of water I usually get from Walmart, I can see that it is only two 1 liter bottles I need to drink. I can do that but I know that I am going to be water-logged!!! Pepper's going to be able to hear the ocean in my tummy! lol

I don't know, I guess I am not seeing as much progress as I would like to. I find myself watching those infomercials thinking I have to do this. I know I can. I just have to get my behind up off the couch and do it! I have several DVDs and TV programs I can do at home! I even have a gym membership that I don't use. That sucks! It has gotten to cold go walking either in the morning or at night. I keep telling myself to start the P90X program. I have the DVDs to do it. I have the equipment to do it. I just can not get myself up to do it. I don't want to be one of those moms my kids are embarrassed to introduce their friends to. I don't want to be the mom who sits on the sideline of the boys games and can't really cheer them on because my asthma! I don't want to grow older and have heart problems or diabetes of whatever else goes along with obesity. I already had to put all my heels away because they hurt my feet. I am now in a 2x in clothes. I wear baggy clothes because I won't wear anything that is snug fitting! Nothing that shows my rolls. I don't like taking pictures because my double chins or the awful bags under my eyes!! I have to deal with it now before it gets too late. Before it gets to that point were I have to have surgery to help me lose weight in order to save my life.

I found this prayer on a website I stumbled across.

Father God, I come to you in the precious name of Jesus that you will perform a miraculous healing in my life concerning my desire to lose weight. Thank you Lord that nothing is impossible with you and that you can help take away my desire to overeat and fill the voids within me that cause me to seek food as a substitute Lord, touch my mind right now, help me to see what causes me to overeat, give me a strong desire to want to take care of my body and see it as you do Lord. Help me to make the right food choices and touch my mind with creativity concerning food and what I eat. May I be restored to divine health again. As I strive to do this Lord, please bless all within me - my cells, and my metabolism - that they will function properly so I can lose the weight. And let me take it one day at a time and not worry about anything else but the cares of the day that I woke up to. Lord Jesus, I also ask that you help my friends and family who are also dealing with weight loss struggles. Give them the strength and encouragement they need to over come the weight. Thank you Father for loving me enough to help me through this.
Well that's all for today! Lots of love!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Getting better a this!

I am feeling pretty good! I am down 2 more lbs!! Woohoo!!

I know I haven't written anything a about a week but I didn't have a working computer!
But I am back and proud to say I have been sticking to it!
I am actually eating smaller portions which is shocking to me.
I am listening to my body. I stop eating once I am full, I am staying active even while I am home all day.
So when I do the laundry I squat, when I mop and sweep I do lunges. I am sore which mean I am still working my muscles. Well I hope everyone who is following this is sticking to it. It is hard. Very hard but I am really proud of myself for sticking with this. I am still on the soda but I am slowly working myself off. I have one a day. So I choose which one is most needed. If I wake up late or groggy I'll have mine in the morning. But most of the time I have it at night with dinner and then drink a "big gulp" of water!

Well this is all for tonight.

Lots of Love to you all!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Still doing good myself. I am learning how to plate my food and watch my portion sizes. I am getting fuller on less and drinking lots more water. I am still staying active and trying stay confident and positive! I haven't lose that much but I am feeling better each and everyday.
It is quickly becoming habit!! Which is really great!
I got in the mail today SHAPE magazine. I am not sure why but I am glad that it came. It has great tips and exercise workouts. Gonna try them this week!

I found these little tidbits in SHAPE magazine

5 minute fix...Drop your vitamin in a cup of water. Some brands use cheap fillers that aren't broken down in the body, which means you could be missing out on important nutrients. If your vitamin doesn't completely dissolve within and hour try a different brand!

3...the max number of hours you should spend sitting when you're not in the office. Women who spent the most time sitting (six hours a day) were 37 percent more likely to die early-of conditions like cancer and heart disease-than those who did so for fewer than three hours. So get moving!!!

2 minute fix...Do your ab moves at the beginning of your workout or in between other exercises. If you always save them for the end, you may cut the moves short, not give your all, or skip them all together.

One slice of pecan pie=480 calories...which would equal 70 minutes of hiking!!! You don't have to work off every bite but before you indulge consider how much effort it will take to cancel out the calories!!!

3 hours of daily physical activity that  can help reduce your risk of getting a cold. Meeting that quota is easier than you think. Any task that gets you up and around-like grocery shopping, playing with the kids, or taking a stroll in your neighborhood-counts towards your tally. Keep up the regular exercise to avoid doctors visits, sick days, and icky-tasting cough drops!!

17 pounds of turkey consumed per person each year...Most people eat about 5 of those pounds during the periods between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But with just 161 calories and 30 grams of protein per 3 1/2-ounce serving, the lean protein is a smart choice all year long!!

Try this!  Rinse with water after a meal. Brushing your teeth right after eating or drinking something slightly acidic can actually erode tooth enamel. If you can't wait 60 minutes, swish with H2O to neutralize the acids.

If you suffer from tummy troubles, reach for the pepper mill. Black pepper is high in a compound called piperine, which triggers the pancreas to start producing digestive enzymes. Research shows that it speeds digestion, which fends off constipation and, over time, colon cancer. Besides adding it to your usual meals, try grinding it over your popcorn, potatoes, and salads!!

OK, so hope these are helpful to you all!!

Well got to get in my 8 hours of sleep!
Lots of love to you all!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Feeling Good!

I am feeling good! I am noticing a little more energy!
I started taking some B-12 pills for energy and some Cheyenne Pepper pills for digestion
and a boost of my metabolism! The Cheyenne pills take some getting used to!
You have to eat right before or right after you take the pill. Otherwise it just messes me up!
It gives me heartburn and I can feel the burning sensation in my belly and throat!
If I take it with food I am good. I notice that I "GO" regularly.
I doesn't make me "go", it just regulates me! (TMI! lol)
But my food log for today was good.
Breakfast...Two tacos from Jack in the box and a DIET coke! Small!
Lunch..I have been craving a burger for like ever! So I went to Whataburger and had a burger,
BUT I ate until I was full and still had half a burger left. YEAH!! a handful of fries and a coke! DIET!
For Dinner I decided to have a light dinner. We went out for dinner and I had the tortilla soup.
I ate all the veggies and a few spoonfuls of rice. With WATER!! I didn't even get queso or chips.
I did really good!
Right now as I am typing this I have a big bottle of water and just finished a slimfast.
I didn't get a chance to go walk today but that's OK. I kept busy at home.
I, of course, cleaned and did laundry.
I have to say I am getting sick and tired of cleaning and doing laundry. I need to find something else I can do during the day!!

I haven't weighed in again but will do so on Sunday for sure.,
I am going to get plenty of exercise this weekend cuz I am going to be helping my sisters move into their new condo!!!

OK everyone!! Doing Good! Stay Motivated! Keep it up!!

Lots of love to you all!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I am losing track of days!

I am not sure what day I am on but last night went really great.
I went walking with Lisa and Mari. I felt really good.
We walked/jogged 2xs around the block and up the hill.
I am so glad that I have friends that help me! They are great motivation.
So my eating habits are really good this week so far.
I am cutting down my serving sizes and trying to drink more water than coke.

I was watching Dr Oz today and I got on his website. I found this challenge...
It is called the 28 day National Soda Challenge!!!

I am going to try it and see if I can do it!
I hope I can get back off of these dang gum sodas again!
I have done it once and I know I can do it again!
This time for good!
I am starting to get that bloated feeling in the to of my stomach again.

Check out the website for more great tips and challenges.
I am also doing the Just TEN challenge!

Oh and to add icing to my cake...I have lost 3 lbs. I know I wasn't going to weigh in until Sunday but I just had to eek and see if I lost anything.
So sure enough I am down 3 lbs. I am still going to weigh in on Sunday to check my progress!!
I hope anyone following this is doing great and staying motivated!

Remember...Portion control, lots of water, and exercise!!!
Keep up the good work!!
Well Lots of love to you all!

Monday, November 15, 2010

My first weekend!

It started off really good! Saturday I did pretty good. I ate at Taco Bell for lunch and only had one of those pizzas and water! It was just enough to get me through til dinner. For dinner I only snacked. We went to a party and I picked off of Peppers dinner. I did have two Mexican Martini's and they were so good. But I drank water the rest of the night! Sunday was my horrible day!!! UGH!!! My dad called it be lazy and gain weight day.
So for breakfast, Randy made us pancakes and bacon!! Yeah were so good! I also had a coke. For lunch we ordered pizza. I ate I think almost a whole medium by myself. and 2 cokes. Damn it Chelsea, she made wonderful homemade cinnamon rolls with homemade cream cheese frosting! They were sooo good! And for dinner my mom made homemade chili! Wow I was afraid to weigh myself. But thanks to my awesome girlfriends...Lisa and Mari, I feel better! They came and got me, we walked 2xs around the whole neighborhood! I am glad they did because I probably would have been mad at myself all night. But I felt really good afterwards. Came back from walking and cleaned the kitchen started laundry and took all the kiddos an bath and put them in bed. Took a shower and then weighed myself. So I gained 2 lbs. Which I know isn't that big of a deal.
I know that I have to stick to it all week and I'll be fine. Focus more so I don't over indulge. I know I can do this. This morning I got up and ate some toast, we were running late, and I did have a coke. I needed it to wake up because I was so tired.  then around 10 I made some eggs and potatoes and beans and shared my single serving with Pepper. I got into a cleaning mood today. I cleaned almost the entire house. and finished up the laundry. I am beat! Gonna go have a small bowl of mom's chili for lunch!

Ok so Lots of love to you all!

Friday, November 12, 2010


So today I felt really good!
I mean I am a little sore but I am not as bloated as I have been
and I think it is because I haven't had a coke most of the week.
I have been drinking lots of water.
Wow what a difference. For breakfast I ate some spam and two eggs with water.
For lunch I ate chick-fil-a. I had the nuggets and fries but I only ate until right before I was full
I did have tea but only one cup!! For dinner we ate out at Texas Roadhouse.
I shared a chicken fried steak with the kids.
I had less than half and a few fries and mashed potatoes. With water!!!
I feel like I am doing really good.
And I know I know it has only been one week but I am so curious to weigh myself.
But I am going to wait until Sunday.
I will post any weight gain or loss!!!

I hope anyone reading this is doing well.
It is hard but WE CAN DO THIS!!! I know we can!
Thank You Lord for giving me the strength and will power to overcome this!
I am truly blessed to have great friends and family who are supporting me and encouraging me!
To my hubby who tells me everyday how beautiful I am! I love you babe!!
And to my mom who is right here beside me on this journey!! Your the best!

OK so off tonight to scrapbook!!
Hope you all have a wonderful night/ weekend!!!

Lots of Love!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day FOUR!!

Today was a really good day! I got a lot done.
I got up and took the kids to school and came home and got right to cleaning my house!
That was my exercise for the day! I cleaned all the rooms, upstairs and down,
then I cleaned the carpets! WOW that was brutal. I cleaned every room.
But my house looks awesome.
For lunch I had a salad and baked potato from Bill Miller. It was sooo yummy!
And then for dinner mom made fajita tacos, guacamole and fresh homemade hot sauce.
It was so good! And I am proud of myself. I only ate one taco and then the other fajita meat
I just ate plain. I have had ONE coke all day and drank lots of water.
I am really proud of myself. I feel good. I feel like I am accomplishing something.
I know it is only day 4 but for me that's amazing!

I am tired so this entry is gonna have to end here!!!
Lots of love to you all!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today was good day!
Had a bowl of cereal and then lots of water the rest of the morning.
Went grocery shopping and came home and had lunch.
I ate my I love my salads!
Its just romaine lettuce and iceberg lettuce mix. I add croutons, bacon bits and FETA cheese!
Homemade ranch tops it off! That's really it. I love this salad. I really could eat it everyday!
I limit the amounts of croutons and bacon bits and have to go easy on the ranch dressing!
But it is still a very yummy salad.
For dinner I slow cooked pork ribs (8 hours in the slow cooker)
OMG they were so good! they just fell off the bone!
Made some baked beans and mashed potatoes.
I did good on my portions! One spoon full of beans a papas and only two ribs.
I also drank water.
I have not had a coke all day!
And yes, I have had a headache most of the day but I am taking aspirin and working through it!
I want a coke so bad but I really want to overcome this addiction!
I know I can do it!
So right after dinner instead of  plopping my big butt on the couch to watch my favorite shows,
I texted Lisa and we went walking! YEAH!! and boy am I feeling it!
I love walking with her because she pushes me! Just enough! We walked the whole neighborhood!
She even made me walk the hill!! UGH the dreaded hill!! But we did it! Ha! Take that Mr. Hill!!
It felt good afterwards! We power walked for 30 minutes.

What is it, like 2 weeks, and a task becomes a habit!?
I know it is only day three but I hope I don't lose this momentum!
Now I am ready for bed! I know this is a short entry but I am tired and took some Back and Body PM
so I wont be up for much longer!

I hope everyone has a wonderful night!
Lots of Love to you all!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


OK so today didn't go as well as yesterday but I still did good!
For breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal
(which if you are lactose intolerant, you shouldn't)
and some toast
AND NO COKE!!! Ha ha Yeah me!
for lunch I ate fish and mac and cheese! I did have a coke though.
For dinner I had fried chicken from KFC (which was sooooo good)
But I did good. I only had one small piece, with one spoon full of mashed potatoes and gravy!
Oh yeah and my coke!
I didn't go walking today like I should have. I just wasn't in the mood and I had a headache.
I know I should have gone and it probably would have helped my headache but I'll go tomorrow!
This is going good so far and I am staying positive! I have cut my portions in half.

Helpful hints I found in a magazine called National Guard Soldier and Family!
Here are some Running Myths Busted!

1. Running is bad for you.  Any exercise applied without logic and progression is potentially damaging to the body. The common mistake is that people expect too much too soon and don't listen to their body's warning signs. For the average person, if they lay a roper foundation of strength, flexibility and weekly training, and build over time, they'll find themselves able to run pain-free for years to come. Unfortunately for many, that is a pretty big "if".

2.NO PAIN, NO GAIN! While it is important to stretch your comfort zone, during the initial four to six weeks of consistent training (three to five days per week), your goal is to simply elevate your heart rate and breathing to the point where it is slightly difficult to talk. Work any harder than that and your effort will be counter productive! This level of intensity is also appropriate for light workout days and when getting back into running after a break of a week or more!

3. Walking is for sissies! If you are starting form a zero-base, I recommend three 30-minute walk sessions the first week. Build over the next four weeks to three to five walking sessions lasting from 30-60 minutes each. Laying down this consistent base will make the transition to running much smoother. Once you begin to incorporate running intervals, continue to embrace walking for warm up and cool down segments, recovery intervals and cross training on opposite days if no other means is available.

4. If I start running, I will lose weight right away! Sadly, this is untrue. You burn about 100 calories when you cover a mile, and that will take the average person anywhere from 8 to 15 minutes to accomplish. It doesn't take much more than a split second to eat up 100 calories. In order to lose weight once you adopt a new exercise program you must make a commitment to focus on caloric intake and timing,  food choices, hydration, and consistency. Running does, however, make you feel more energetic and can motivate you to make healthier food choices, especially in the realm of pre- and post- run nutrition!

Hope this helps you out!
I'll post tid-bits like this as I find them!
If any of you have good articles or tips please post them for us!

Thanks and hope everyone has a great night!
Lots of love!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day ONE!!

So I wanted to start this blog to help motivate and encourage my friends and family with weight loss. In return I expect you all to help motivate me and encourage my weight loss. I hope you post comments on your trials and tribulations! You can follow whatever program you'd like. Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach or just wing it like me! Heck I hope to get to P90x one day! You don't have to tell your weight just how much you lose or gain and what you are doing that works, or doesn't! I know we can do this people!!!

Today went well!
I ate a bowl of oatmeal and toast and ONE coke for breakfast! (Now before you all start on my coke...I know but if I stop cold turkey NONE in this house will be very happy!!) (Baby steps!)
Lunch was an awesome salad and a ONE coke!
Dinner another great salad and ONE coke!
Afterwards we went for a walk around the block!

This time change is gonna take some getting used to! I rush back from my walk and it was only 6pm! Ugh!!!

OK ladies! Day one off to a good start!

Lots of love to you all!!!