Still doing good myself. I am learning how to plate my food and watch my portion sizes. I am getting fuller on less and drinking lots more water. I am still staying active and trying stay confident and positive! I haven't lose that much but I am feeling better each and everyday.
It is quickly becoming habit!! Which is really great!
I got in the mail today SHAPE magazine. I am not sure why but I am glad that it came. It has great tips and exercise workouts. Gonna try them this week!
I found these little tidbits in SHAPE magazine
5 minute fix...Drop your vitamin in a cup of water. Some brands use cheap fillers that aren't broken down in the body, which means you could be missing out on important nutrients. If your vitamin doesn't completely dissolve within and hour try a different brand!
3...the max number of hours you should spend sitting when you're not in the office. Women who spent the most time sitting (six hours a day) were 37 percent more likely to die early-of conditions like cancer and heart disease-than those who did so for fewer than three hours. So get moving!!!
2 minute fix...Do your ab moves at the beginning of your workout or in between other exercises. If you always save them for the end, you may cut the moves short, not give your all, or skip them all together.
One slice of pecan pie=480 calories...which would equal 70 minutes of hiking!!! You don't have to work off every bite but before you indulge consider how much effort it will take to cancel out the calories!!!
3 hours of daily physical activity that can help reduce your risk of getting a cold. Meeting that quota is easier than you think. Any task that gets you up and around-like grocery shopping, playing with the kids, or taking a stroll in your neighborhood-counts towards your tally. Keep up the regular exercise to avoid doctors visits, sick days, and icky-tasting cough drops!!
17 pounds of turkey consumed per person each year...Most people eat about 5 of those pounds during the periods between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But with just 161 calories and 30 grams of protein per 3 1/2-ounce serving, the lean protein is a smart choice all year long!!
Try this! Rinse with water after a meal. Brushing your teeth right after eating or drinking something slightly acidic can actually erode tooth enamel. If you can't wait 60 minutes, swish with H2O to neutralize the acids.
If you suffer from tummy troubles, reach for the pepper mill. Black pepper is high in a compound called piperine, which triggers the pancreas to start producing digestive enzymes. Research shows that it speeds digestion, which fends off constipation and, over time, colon cancer. Besides adding it to your usual meals, try grinding it over your popcorn, potatoes, and salads!!
OK, so hope these are helpful to you all!!
Well got to get in my 8 hours of sleep!
Lots of love to you all!!
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