Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am feeling great!

So far everything is going great! I haven't been working out like I "WANT" to but I am sticking to it!
And I have to say I am feeling pretty good!
Tuesday I called Emi and she went walking with me. We walked 2.33 miles and man I was feeling it yesterday.
It took us about 40 minutes to walk it but we zig zagged through out the neighborhood.
Uphill and then down hill. then up hill again! Geez, it really was killer but I am so glad that we went!
That morning me and Ruthie went dress shopping! So I was ecstatic! We went to Avenue and I tried on about 5 or 6 outfits. I tried on a 20 because I was just sure that that was going to be the size I needed.
But NOPE! Then I tried on an 18 and again NOPE! Haha! I tried on the 16 and it FIT!!
I mean I even had a little room to spare! I was so excited I was even doing my happy dance and song!
"I'm in a 16, I'm in a 16, I'm in a 16 HEY HEY, HEY HEY!!" LOL None of those dresses were what I was looking for. So we also went to Maurice's and they didn't have what I was looking for. So we went to Dress Barn. I actually found a dress that I love but they only had one dress, one size! Thankfully it was a 16. It fit but I am unsure of whether it is too casual for this banquet. Well I didn't buy it! I am going to wait until Friday to really go shopping! I know I shouldn't wait until the last minute but I would be me if I wasn't procrastinating something!!! lol
Because I was so sore yesterday I didn't work out. And Since I am taking Megan to the Dr in a little while then I wont be able to workout until tonight! I might go walking/running. Not sure yet.
I am so glad that this is really working for me. I mean it. I do not even crave a soda anymore. I am drinking lots and lots of water. I am watching how much I eat. So Who knows? This may be the start of something great!
Lots of Love!

1 comment:

MaddiesMommy said...

I am so incredibly happy and proud! Keep it up. Not working out one day makes it easier to skip 2 or 3...and then stopping all together. You are doing so great!!