Thursday, February 24, 2011

No pain No gain!! UGH

So this week I have gotten back on track.
Monday, since the kids were off of school, we cleaned the house. Top to bottom, side to side, floor by floor!!

Tuesday we got up, took the kids to school and when I came back since the boys were still asleep I got on the treadmill. I walk/ran for 30 minutes. I think I burned like 100 calories or something I don't remember. But right after I did one of my workout videos for another 30 minutes. It felt good! Rest of the day i did laundry just to stay moving!

Wednesday, Randy was off work, and for some strange reason...i slept most of the day. I mean I got up to take the girls to school but when I came back I laid down for a what was supposed to be a few minutes. But I ended up sleeping until 1 pm. I couldn't believe it! Randy said he came in to wake me up a few times but I was OUT!!! I felt bad...but rested. I guess I pushed myself too much the day before?? Nah...I don't know why but it felt good!!

Today, Thursday, I got up, took the dogs out, made the girls breakfast, took them to school, and came back and jumped right on the treadmill. This time I did 30 minutes on 5.0 which took me 2 miles!! I burned 125 calories!! Yeah! It felt good. I didn't stop! Now I am going to clean the house again, go buy groceries, and finish up the laundry!
I swear I hate laundry. Just thought I'd throw that in there! HAHA!!

Well I hope that I can continue this until it becomes a habit! I know I can do this! I know I can! I am doing OK with my eating but since I have run out of everything in the fridge and pantry I am going to go stock up on healthy foods!! Salads, chicken, lots of fruits and veggies!

Well how is everyone else doing so far this year?
I'd love to hear how things are going?
Ruthie thanks for those links to the Self magazine!!

Have ya'll been watching Biggest Loser? It is so good!! I am hooked. I also have been watching on MTV a show called I used to be Fat! It's about teens mostly but still a good show! Any encouragement is good!

I am afraid to weigh myself but I will on Friday! I'll make that my weigh in day! Friday mornings! So hopefully what I have been doing this week will payoff!

Well hope you all have a wonderful; blessed day!
Lots of Love!!

1 comment:

MaddiesMommy said...

Thats so great that you are keep up with it! I feel you about sleeping all day though!
Haha, I have been going to the gym 5 days a week. Mon-Fri...I work out for at least an hour. I do 5 miles on the bike, and then some leg presses, and some weights. ( so far I can on bench press the bar, lol, but i'm working on it!)

I havent lost that much weight, I'm down to 193 (I was 198 when I left austin in Jan) I wish it was more BUT I am in my size 14 again. The jeans that I bought after Maddie was born were 18.(which was so depressing!) I have lost 2 inches since Daniel left.
I bought shape ups, and have been wearing those all day everyday (even though i hate wearing shoes..) but i have noticed a difference is just a week. Not a huge one, and I dont know if its the shoes or the gym, possibly a combination of both...but either way...i see a difference.

Keep up the good work! Its hard, but once you get in the habit of working out, NOT working out feels worse than the pain of working out :)